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Tree removal underway by Henry Ford WB Hospital

Henry Ford West Bloomfield Hospital is planning to build a behavioral health unit on its campus. There is no dispute over the need for such mental health treatment facilities in the community. However, local residents object to the hospitals plan to cut down 18 acres of mature trees to make way for the construction. LEARN…

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Need your tree branches picked up?

Last night’s storm took down a lot of tree branches. You may be wondering how to dispose of them if you are not using a commercial tree service. Per our waste hauler, GFL, they will pick up tree branches that are tied up in bundles of no more than 50 pounds and no more than…

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ReLeaf Michigan

Here’s a resource that’s helpful for anyone wanting to know about tree care. The mission of ReLeaf Michigan is to educate the public on the value of trees and the need to properly select, plant, and maintain them. They accomplish this by working with community groups on local tree planting projects and by providing informational…

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