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Need your tree branches picked up?

Last night’s storm took down a lot of tree branches. You may be wondering how to dispose of them if you are not using a commercial tree service. Per our waste hauler, GFL, they will pick up tree branches that are tied up in bundles of no more than 50 pounds and no more than…

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National Lightning Safety Awareness Week 2021

The National Weather Service wants to build a Weather-Ready Nation where all are prepared for a variety of weather-related hazards. All thunderstorms share a dangerous threat: lightning. Lightning is unpredictable, occurring at any time and striking up to 10-15 miles away from the storm. Are you weather-ready? Now is the time to make sure you…

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The West Bloomfield tornado of 1976

Were you in the area at that time? Apparently it rolled right through our area and caused a lot of damage around Maple and Orchard Lake Road. It started our as an unseasonably warm first day of spring (3/20/1976) that was to take a turn for the worse. Much worse! The powerful EF4 tornado had…

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