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KNIA Board of Directors

KNIA Board Members: 2024

  • President – Ron Toth, 248-538-0068
  • Treasurer – Alan Abrahams, 248-851-4426
  • Secretary – Gloria Toth, 248-
  • Director at Large – Anthony Barbour
  • Director at Large – Steve Glick, 248-470-3468
  • Director at Large – Joel Katz, 246-626-1176

Board Roles:

These are additional, unofficial roles that board members have assumed. Contact any board member if you have any interests or concerns regarding these areas. Volunteers are welcome!

  • Website, newsletter – Steve Glick
  • Roads – Joel Katz
  • Snow removal – shared

Monthly Board Meetings: (Subject to change)

  • Frequency: As needed. About 1x/month except in summer.
  • Time: Generally starting around 7 pm to about 8:30 pm.
  • Location: Usually at the home of one of the board members.
  • More information: Ron Toth, board president, 248-538-0068.

Annual Meetings:

  • Usually held on a weekday evening in May at Warner Middle School (on 14 Mile Road) or other nearby facility.
  • All residents are strongly encouraged to attend. Feel free to bring other Kimberley North neighbors also. (No children please.)
  • Announcements will be made through this website, email list/newsletter, and direct mail.
  • Next annual meeting: Details will be posted on the Event Calendar on this website when scheduled. Also, subscribe to our email newsletter to get notices of Annual Meetings.

Get involved: Join the KNIA Board of Directors

You can have direct input into matters impacting our community. For more information, just contact our board president or another board member to discuss your interests. Elections are held at the annual meetings. You may nominate a neighbor — or even yourself.

The board also encourages input and participation of non-board volunteers from the community. Want to conduct a social event? Start a block captain group? Submit content to the website? Please take the initiative and reach out to a board member to discuss how we can support your effort.

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