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Waste & Recycling
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We got our invoice this week in our email from Priority Waste for trash pickup. The bill reflected a discount of a dollar a month for senior customers. However, I was a bit surprised to see that our bill was only for 3 months even though we always paid the previous services (GFL, Richmond, etc.)…
Read MoreQUICK SUMMARY: What you need to know Have you been wondering why your weekly trash pickup has been delayed in recent weeks? The following information may explain why. West Bloomfield Township will begin using Priority Waste for waste hauling starting July 1, 2024. For more information, please view this press release from West Bloomfield Township…
Read MoreEach year West Bloomfield Township holds events in the spring and fall for residents to drop off household hazardous waste, electronics items, and shredding. These events give residents a legal and safe way to dispose of unwanted hazardous materials that are not acceptable for curbside pickup. 2023 EVENTS Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) & Electronics: Paper…
Read MoreWest Bloomfield will again offer its residents two (2) annual Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Events during the Spring & Fall of each calendar year. The events give the community a legal and cost-free way to dispose of unwanted household chemicals that cannot be disposed of in the regular curbside collection. LOCATION: West Bloomfield Civic…
Read MoreLooking for some family fun this fall/winter? The Detroit Zoo is offering free admission in exchange for your broken laptops, used batteries and other discarded electronics for America Recycles Day. Just drop off your items at the water tower parking lot on the north side of the zoo parking structure between noon to 6 p.m.…
Read MoreLast night’s storm took down a lot of tree branches. You may be wondering how to dispose of them if you are not using a commercial tree service. Per our waste hauler, GFL, they will pick up tree branches that are tied up in bundles of no more than 50 pounds and no more than…
Read MoreThere is no delay in trash pickup this week since July 4th falls on a Sunday this year. Holiday Pick Up Schedule: If your pick-up day falls on or after a holiday during the business week, curbside service will be pushed back one day. Those Holiday shall include: New Years Day, Memorial Day, Fourth of July,…
Read MoreDue to the significant increase in solid waste that has been generated by residents who are staying at home in accordance with Executive Order, GFL Environmental will suspend yard waste pickup beginning April 13th. GFL is focusing their waste collection capacity on the essential services of municipal solid waste and recycling collection and disposal. Please…
Read MoreYou have probably recently received an invoice for services from GFL Environmental. GFL is the waste hauling service used by Kimberley North subdivision and for the rest of West Bloomfield. You must pay this bill to avoid late fees and to continue trash and recycling pickup services for your home. GFL is the exclusive contractor…
Read MoreLate-breaking news per the website: Due to yesterday’s snow storm, residential and commercial service will be delayed one day the week of December 12th. Please set out trash & recyclables one day later than your normal collection day. Winter holidays trash/recycling pickup will NOT be affected by the Christmas or New Year holidays. West…
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