Trash pickup delay due to Memorial Day
- Memorial Day – Monday, May 27, 2013 (collection 1 day behind)
- Put trash out Tuesday evening for Wednesday pickup
Monday, April 1, 2013 – yard waste collection begins
Friday, December 13, 2013 – yard waste collection ends
Annual Dues must be paid by 4/1

Thursday, April 4, 2013 at Costick Center
The Farmington Hills/Farmington Emergency Preparedness Commission (EPC) will present a free SKYWARN training program on Thursday, April 4 from 7 to 9 p.m. at the Costick Center, located at 28600 Eleven Mile Road between Middlebelt and Inkster.
SKYWARN is a volunteer program developed in the early 1970s as a cooperative effort between the National Weather Service and local emergency management representatives. There are now nearly 290,000 trained weather spotters across the country who provide reports of severe weather to the National Weather Service (NWS) and help keep their communities safe.
The main responsibility of a SKYWARN spotter is to identify and describe severe local storms. Information provided by SKYWARN spotters has enabled the NWS to issue more timely and accurate warnings for tornadoes, severe thunderstorms, and flash floods. Participants at the training session will learn:
- Basics of thunderstorm development
- Fundamentals of storm structure
- How to identify potential severe weather features
- What information to report
- How to report information
- Basic severe weather safety
The SKYWARN training program will be hosted by the EPC, Oakland County, and Warning Coordination Meteorologist Richard Pollman of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s Detroit Weather Forecast Office in White Lake, Michigan. Advance registration is required. For more information or to register, call the Costick Center at 248-473-1800.