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Outdoor Warning Siren Test
Oct 7 @ 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
severe weather warning siren

Know what to do when in severe weather conditions

This is only a test!

Oakland County Homeland Security will be testing the Outdoor Warning Siren system in 2017 on the first Saturday of each month at 1:00 PM, with the following exceptions:

  • April 1 (Saturday); cancelled due to Severe Weather Awareness Week testing.
  • April 19 (Wednesday) at 1:00 PM (Special test in recognition of Severe Weather Awareness Week).

Siren tests are NOT conducted during December, January, and February due to winter weather.​

Please do not contact police or fire departments to report or inquire about this.

More information: Oakland County Outdoor Warning Siren Test Schedule

National Prescription Drug TAKE BACK DAY 2017 @ West Bloomfield Police Department
Oct 28 @ 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Reminder: Change clocks & smoke alarm batteries
Nov 4 – Nov 6 all-day

Change Your Clocks and Smoke Alarm Batteries on Sunday, November 5, 2017

(Remember, it’s “Spring Forward” and “Fall Back” to change between Standard and Daylight Saving Time.)

More information on our website, KNHOME.ORG


Outdoor Warning Siren Test
Nov 4 @ 1:00 pm – 1:30 pm
severe weather warning siren

Know what to do when in severe weather conditions

This is only a test!

Oakland County Homeland Security will be testing the Outdoor Warning Siren system in 2017 on the first Saturday of each month at 1:00 PM, with the following exceptions:

  • April 1 (Saturday); cancelled due to Severe Weather Awareness Week testing.
  • April 19 (Wednesday) at 1:00 PM (Special test in recognition of Severe Weather Awareness Week).

Siren tests are NOT conducted during December, January, and February due to winter weather.​

Please do not contact police or fire departments to report or inquire about this.

More information: Oakland County Outdoor Warning Siren Test Schedule

Winter Hazards Awareness Week 2017
Nov 5 – Nov 11 all-day

While thunderstorms and tornadoes can occur in fall and winter, this time of year adds additional dangers caused by cold, ice, and snow. Being prepared for winter hazards requires that you provide for ways to keep warm if the heat goes off or you are stranded in a snowstorm. You also need to make sure your house is properly prepared by taking measures to insure that pipes will not freeze and that snow and ice do not pose a hazard to the roof.

Winter safety information from Michigan Committee for Severe Weather Awareness

  • Includes: Winter Safety Tips, Winter Hazards FAQ, Heat Source Safety, Power Outages, Prevent Frozen Pipes, Prevent Roof Dams, Ice Jams and Flooding, Flood Insurance FAQ, Winter Power Outage Tips, Heat Sources Safety, Portable Generator Hazards


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