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Earth Day 2016
Apr 22 all-day

Earth Day Celebration

  • Friday, April 22, 2016 from 3:00 to 6:00 pm
  • The Nature Room inside The Recreation Activities Center, West Bloomfield Parks and Rec
  • Earth Day 2016 – West Bloomfield Parks and Recreation

What better way to celebrate Earth Day than by spending time enjoying nature!  Explore the Nature Room and Outdoor Natural Play Area.

Celebrate Mother Earth with the many activities available, including:

  • A make your trail mix station provided by Meijer
  • Recycled craft
  • A FREE tree seedling to the first 50 children.
  • Help make “plarn” sleeping mats to be donated to the homeless*
  • Plants for Ecology native plant info table
  • Henry Ford West Bloomfield Greenhouse activity station
  • MSU extension 4-H soil & sand activity station

This is a FREE event! No registration required.

* We are collecting plastic bags at the Recreation Activities Center. We will be cutting the plastic bags, making them into yarn (aka plarn) and weaving sleeping mats for the homeless. Bring us your plastic bags and help turn trash into something useful! Plus, check out other “plarn” examples and demos.


Memorial Day week trash delay @ at your curb
May 30 – Jun 1 all-day
Memorial Day week trash delay @ at your curb

Trash pickup delayed this week due to the holiday.

Pickup will be on Wednesday.

July 4th trash delay
Jul 4 – Jul 6 all-day
July 4th trash delay

Trash pickup delayed this week due to the holiday.

Pickup will be on Wednesday.

Household Hazardous Waste Drop-off Event – Fall 2016 @ West Bloomfield Civic Center
Sep 24 @ 9:00 am – 2:00 pm

West Bloomfield Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Event

  • Fall event:
    Saturday, September 24, 2016, from 9 am to 2 pm

Full details here


Deadline to request absentee ballot
Nov 5 @ 2:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Michigan Absentee Ballot Processvote411_biglogo

As a registered voter, you may obtain an absentee ballot if you are:

  • 60 years old or older
  • Unable to vote without assistance at the polls
  • Expecting to be out of town on Election Day
  • In jail awaiting arraignment or trial
  • Unable to attend due to religious reasons
  • Appointed to work as an election inspector in a precinct outside of your precinct of residence

A person who registers to vote by mail must vote in person in the first election in which he or she participates. The restriction does not apply to overseas voters, voters who are handicapped or voters who are 60 years of age or older.

Requests to have an absentee ballot mailed to you must be submitted to your local clerk no later than 2:00 pm the Saturday before the election. You can also fill out an absentee ballot request form here.

If an emergency, such as a sudden illness or family death, prevents you from reaching the polls on Election Day, you may request an emergency absentee voter ballot. Requests for an emergency ballot must be submitted after the deadline for regular absentee ballots has passed, but before 4:00 pm on Election Day. The emergency must have occurred at a time which made it impossible for you to apply for a regular absentee ballot. Your local clerk will have more information about emergency absentee voter ballots.

Overseas citizens and U.S. military personnel can find information on how to register to vote and request an absentee ballot at the Overseas Vote Foundation.

Election Day Problems? Call the League of Women Voters hotline: 1-866-OUR-VOTE (866-687-8683)


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