West Bloomfield Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Event 2019
- Spring event:
Saturday, April 13, 2019from 9 am to 2 pm - Fall event:
Saturday, October 5, 2019 from 9 am to 2 pm
Full details
- 2019 event (spring and fall) details — See postcard you got in mail from West Bloomfield Township
Last yard waste pickup is the second full week in December.
- per info from GFL-USA West Bloomfield
West Bloomfield Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Event 2019
Spring event:
Saturday, April 13, 2019 from 9 am to 2 pm- Fall event:
Saturday, October 5, 2019 from 9 am to 2 pm
Full details
- 2019 event (spring and fall) details — See postcard you got in mail from West Bloomfield Township
Shredding Day – Saturday, November 2, 2019, 9 am to noon
Shredding Day – Part of the West Bloomfield Township Fall Household Hazardous Waste Event
Saturday, November 2, 2019 9:00 am – 12:00 pm
Civic Center Complex – 4550 Walnut Lake Road
Questions (248) 451-4818
From the WBT website: “On behalf of West Bloomfield, US Ecology, and Iron Mountain Shredding, we apologize for having to close down our shredding station at the recent Fall Household Hazardous Waste Event that was held on October 5, 2019. We would like to offer our residents the chance to attend a special shredding date on November 2nd. This event will be open to West Bloomfield, Orchard Lake and Sylvan Lake Residents Only. ID will be required and each car will be limited to 50 pounds of personal (No commercial or Business) shredding.”
Per the West Bloomfield page on the GFL website —
Yard waste pickup is Monday, March 27 through the second full week in December.
All items for pickup must be curbside by 7:00 a.m.
- Allowed: include garden waste, leaves, lawn cuttings, shrub and tree trimmings.
- Not allowed: include any flammable or explosive (ammunition, antifreeze, fire extinguishers, gasoline, lacquers, oils, poisons and corrosives).
West Bloomfield offers its residents two (2) annual Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Events during the Spring & Fall of each calendar year. The events allow the community a legal and cost-free way to safely dispose of unwanted household chemicals that cannot be collected through regular curbside collection.
In addition to hazardous waste collection, the event includes collections of:
- Electronic waste recycling
- Paper for shredding
- Medical sharps
- Expired medications
In addition, St. Vincent dePaul volunteers will be on-site for a Donation Drive on Saturday. Update: Donation drive cancelled due to pandemic.
- Friday, September 26, 2020 from 1 pm to 7 pm
- Saturday, September 26, 2020 9 am – 2 pm
You must wear a face mask for this year’s event!
You must be a West Bloomfield, Orchard Lake or Sylvan Lake resident (with ID) to participate in this event.
There will be no change in trash pickup scheduling this week due to the Martin Luther King Jr. holiday.
More info about trash pickup is available on our website.
A mobile ON-SITE paper shredding company will provide secure destruction of personal, financial, medical and legal residential documents. Open to residents of all four communities, no appointments.
West Bloomfield Civic Center Complex – 4550 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322
West Bloomfield will again offer its residents two (2) annual Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Collection Events during the Spring & Fall of each calendar year. The events give the community a legal and cost-free way to dispose of unwanted household chemicals that cannot be disposed of in the regular curbside collection.
Acceptable Hazardous Waste for this event include:
- Products containing toxic chemicals like cleaning products, solvents, pesticides, oil-based paints and weed killer.
- Batteries, Light bulbs, fire extinguishers & smoke alarms.
- Expired Medication
- Note: Containers will often have words on their labels such as: “Danger”, “Caution”, “Poison”, “Flammable”, “Corrosive” or “Use in Well Ventilated Area”.
- A more specific list of acceptable materials is available on the Township website.
Changes in this year’s events:
- Shredding will be offered (only) at separate events on 3 different dates. In other words, not at the main spring and fall HHW drop-off events.
- Separate event dates for seniors to drop-off their HHW on the day before the spring and fall events.
- Keego Harbor will be included.
Drop-Off event for the collection of both residential Hazardous Waste and E-Waste (Electronics).
- Spring: Saturday, May 1, 2021
- Fall: Saturday, October 2, 2021
- Time: 9:00 am – 2:00 pm (No appointments)
- Location: West Bloomfield Civic Center Complex – 4550 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322
- Eligibility: Residents from West Bloomfield, Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake, Orchard Lake
HHW – Shut-In Appointments: A limited amount of appointments are available to homebound West Bloomfield residents who are unable to drive to the HHW Events. Township staff will pick-up both residential hazardous waste and e-waste.
- Spring: Friday, April 30, 2021
- Fall: Friday, October 1, 2021
- Time: By appointment only
- Location: Your home
- Eligibility: Homebound West Bloomfield residents
HHW – Senior Drop-Off: Senior Citizens from all four communities may drop off both residential hazardous waste and e-waste. No appointments
- Spring: Friday, April 30, 2021
- Fall: Friday, October 1, 2021
- Time: 4:00 pm – 6:30 pm
- Location: West Bloomfield Civic Center Complex – 4550 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322
- Eligibility: Seniors from West Bloomfield, Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake, Orchard Lake
Shredding event days: A mobile ON-SITE paper shredding company will provide secure destruction of personal, financial, medical and legal residential documents. Open to residents of all four communities, no appointments.
- Saturday, April 17, 2021
- Saturday, July 31, 2021
- Saturday, November 6, 2021
- 9:00 am – 1:00 pm
- Location: West Bloomfield Civic Center Complex – 4550 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322
- Eligibility: Residents from West Bloomfield, Keego Harbor, Sylvan Lake, Orchard Lake
- A post card announcing these events is usually mailed to residents before the spring HHW event.
- All info is subject to change. Check with West Bloomfield Township Planning & Development Department for more info.
- For more information, contact or the Planning & Development Services Department directly at 248-451-4818 or by email at
- Source for this posting is the WB Township website HHW event page as of 2020-01-18.
A mobile ON-SITE paper shredding company will provide secure destruction of personal, financial, medical and legal residential documents. Open to residents of all four communities, no appointments.
West Bloomfield Civic Center Complex – 4550 Walnut Lake Road, West Bloomfield, MI 48322