Rizzo yard waste collection for West Bloomfield Township will conclude on Thursday, December 15, 2016. Therefore, last date of pickup for Kimberley North subdivision is Tuesday, December 13, 2016.
Please contact Green For Life (GFL) Services for information on types of materials accepted plus proper bagging and bundling. 844-GO-GFLUSA
Yard Waste pickup for 2017 begins the week of April 3rd.
Please refer to the WBT website (Environmental Services Department) or Green For Life (GFL) for details.

Know what to do when in severe weather conditions
Michigan Severe Weather Awareness Week is April 16 – 22, 2017
- Severe Weather Awareness Packet
- preparing for a tornado or thunderstorm, what to do when one approaches, what to do after, tornado and thunderstorm facts, flood preparation and planning, flood insurance, lightning safety, disaster preparedness for pets, weather warning systems
- 19 pages, PDF file, from Oakland County Homeland Security
- Tornado Warning Siren testing – Wednesday, April 19, 2017, 1:00 PM – Special outdoor siren warning test in recognition of Severe Weather Awareness Week (SWAW)
- 2017 Outdoor Warning Siren Test Schedule – from Oakland County Homeland Security
- Other events to be announced
See also:
- Michigan Severe Weather Awareness Week 2017 – Michigan Committee for Severe Weather Awareness –
- Spring Weather Safety Information

Know what to do when in severe weather conditions
This is only a test!
As part of the 2017 Severe Weather Awareness Week, a special test of the Early Weather Warning System will be conducted. The Outdoor Warning System sirens will be activated on Wednesday, April 19 at 1 p.m.
Please do not contact police or fire departments to report or inquire about this.
Oakland County Homeland Security will be testing the Outdoor Warning Siren system in 2017 on the first Saturday of each month at 1:00 PM, with the following exceptions:
- April 1 (Saturday); cancelled due to Severe Weather Awareness Week testing.
- April 19 (Wednesday) at 1:00 PM (Special test in recognition of Severe Weather Awareness Week).
Siren tests are NOT conducted during December, January, and February due to winter weather.
Information: Oakland County Outdoor Warning Siren Test Schedule