Trash pickup delay due to Labor Day
- Labor Day – Monday, September 2, 2013 (collection 1 day behind)
- Put trash out Tuesday evening for Wednesday pickup
Monday, April 1, 2013 – yard waste collection begins
Friday, December 13, 2013 – yard waste collection ends
Warner Upper Elementary School, 14 Mile Road
7 pm to approximately 8:30 pm – Doors open 6:30 pm for registration
Agenda (subject to change)
- Financial review
- Directors report
- Election of officers
- Road Commission of Oakland County – what you need to know about the road construction for the Orchard Lake & 14 Mile Road and the 14 Mile Road changes
Pursuant to Association Bylaws of Kimberley North Improvement Association, the above date has been set for the Annual Meeting and election of the board of directors and to transact other business of the corporation as may properly come before it.
West Bloomfield Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Event
- Spring event: Saturday, April 26, 2014, 9 am to 2 pm
- Fall event: Saturday, September 20, 2014, 9 am to 2 pm
- Information Hotline 248-451-4834. Taped message only.
- Postcards were mailed out by the Township in March
- West Bloomfield Township website – Environmental Services department
Acceptable items include:
- Garage and garden chemicals, workshop materials, kitchen and bath cleaners, batteries, electronics, paint, and much more
- Non-perishable, unexpired food donations for the Lighthouse of Oakland County “Food for Hungry Kids” drive.
- Curbside drop-off of unwanted firearms, ammunition, and prescription medications in the front parking lot of the Police Department
- Personal documents for shredding – up to 50 pounds
West Bloomfield Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Event
- Spring event: Saturday, April 26, 2014
- Fall event: Saturday, September 20, 2014
- Information Hotline 248-451-4834. Taped message only.
- Postcards will also be mailed out by the Township. haz-waste-events-postcard-2013
- West Bloomfield Township website – Environmental Services department
Acceptable items include:
- Garage and garden chemicals, workshop materials, kitchen and bath cleaners, batteries, electronics, paint, and much more
- Non-perishable, unexpired food donations for the Lighthouse of Oakland County “Food for Hungry Kids” drive.
- Curbside drop-off of unwanted firearms, ammunition, and prescription medications in the front parking lot of the Police Department
- Personal documents for shredding – up to 50 pounds

KNIA Annual Meeting 2015
- Tuesday, February 10, 2015
at Warner Upper Elementary School on 14 Mile Road
- 6:30 pm check in and meet your neighbors
- 7:00 pm meeting to about 8:30
[su_box title=”Participate in discussions about these topics:” box_color=”#ed5554″]
- Election of Board Officers
- Presentation of Budget for 2015
- Presentation by Jeff O’Brien of the Road Commission of Oakland County – Updates on the recent and upcoming road construction projects in our area (the 14 Mile Road rerouting project, the Orchard Lake Road/14 Mile Road roundabout project, the Orchard Lake Road boulevard project, and more)[/su_box]
See you there. Please spread the word and bring a neighbor to this important meeting.
West Bloomfield Household Hazardous Waste Drop-Off Event
- Spring event:
Saturday, April 25, 2015, from 9 am to 2 pm - Fall event:
Saturday, September 26, 2015, from 9 am to 2 pm
- Information Hotline 248-451-4834. Taped message only.
- Postcards were mailed out to residents by the Township in the March (only) for both events.
- West Bloomfield Township website – Environmental Department
Acceptable items include:
- Garage and garden chemicals, workshop materials, kitchen and bath cleaners, batteries, electronics, paint, and much more
- Personal documents for shredding – up to 50 pounds
Unacceptable items include:
- Electronics should not be in boxes
- Computer monitors with broken glass, appliances, water heaters, humidifiers, dehumidifiers, air conditioners, tires
- Please contact Rizzo Services, your trash hauler, directly for disposal options on items not accepted

KNIA* Annual Meeting 2016
* Kimberley North Improvement Association
- Tuesday, February 9, 2016
at Warner Upper Elementary School on 14 Mile Road
in the Media Center - 6:30 pm check in and meet your neighbors
- 7:00 pm meeting — until about 8:30
[su_box title=”Participate in discussions about these topics:” box_color=”#ed5554″]
- Election of Board Officers
- Presentation of Budget for 2016
- Miscellaneous Q and A
- Discussion of dues restructuring and homeowner payment for trash collection[/su_box]
See you there. Please spread the word and bring a neighbor to this important meeting.