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Controlled burn: Motion to rescind burn fails

The controlled burn for Jacobs Drain in West Bloomfield is still on and will probably take place in November.

Jacobs Drain, photo by Steve Glick
Jacobs Drain area, a protected wetlands and woodlands area in West Bloomfield, Michigan

The West Bloomfield Township Board again heard from concerned residents and discussed Supervisor Steve Kaplan’s motion to rescind the burn. In the end, the vote was split 3 to 3, so in accordance with Board rules, the motion failed.

Kaplan voted to oppose the burn and recommended using alternative means (such as chemical controls) to treat the invasive species around the Jacobs Drain. His vote was based on the many serious concerns expressed by area residents. However, a number of township officials (including the Fire Marshall, Environmental Department director, and others) offered reassurance that controlled burns of this type are common best practices, successful, and safely conducted in many different environments around the country and around the globe.

Township officials and the contractor discussed points in favor of the burn and some of the safety precautions that will be taken.

  • The contractor is well-experienced and has a good record for conducting such burns.
  • The Fire Marshall has reviewed plans and will be present with fire fighting equipment and personnel on-site during the burn.
  • Gas facilities are a safe distance from the site. No active gas lines run through the property.
  • Some of the native plants, including wildflowers, in the area have actually been crowded out by invasive species. They are expected to eventually return as a result of elimination of the invasive species.
  • Wild animals are well-adapted to escaping from many types of threats including fires. Animals will have escape routes so they are not trapped in the fire area.
  • Very small area are burned at any one time. These are extinguished before other areas are burned.
  • The fires set are “low intensity” and controlled. Flames are kept low to the ground to reduce the spread of ash and embers and to minimize the chance of fire spreading to other areas.
  • Controlled burns in such situations are more effective than the use of chemicals which can be harmful to the environment.
  • Controlled burns reduce the likelihood of undesirable wildfires by reducing the amount of dry brush.
  • The burn will not take place unless weather conditions are suitable. The right conditions will enable smoke to rise vertically rather than blowing towards homes and businesses.
  • Resident will be notified, signs will be posted, and personnel will assure that unauthorized people will not be able to access the area during the burn.

Some of the officials at the meeting acknowledged the need to improve communication with residents and businesses around such matters in the future.

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