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Trash pickup news

Late-breaking news per the website: Due to yesterday’s snow storm, residential and commercial service will be delayed one day the week of December 12th. Please set out trash & recyclables one day later than your normal collection day.

Winter holidays trash/recycling pickup will NOT be affected by the Christmas or New Year holidays.

West Bloomfield Household Hazardous Waste Event dates for 2017 have been announced and posted on the West Bloomfield Township website. The Spring event will be April 29, 2017 and the Fall event will be on September 16, 2017.

The last yard waste pickup for this year will be on 12/13/2016.

Discarded Christmas trees — Put them at the curb on a regular trash day and they will be picked up. You must remove all ornaments and lights first.

As the result of a merger in October 2016, Rizzo Environmental was acquired by Green For Life. See their new website for information. Or call 844-GO-GFLUSA.




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