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WB Township seeks input on Master Plan updates

West Bloomfield is updating the community wide Master Plan.

The Township seeks your participation! You can participate in an online survey and add your ideas to an interactive map. The results of the community engagement will fuel the goals and policy suggestions provided in the Master Plan. Master Plan categories include:

  • Housing & Neighborhoods
  • Transportation & Mobility
  • Natural Systems, & Resiliency
  • Economic Development & Business Support

What is a “Master Plan”?

A Master Plan serves as a roadmap for guiding the future growth, development, and sustainability of a community by establishing clear goals, strategies, and policies. Particularly in naturally beautiful communities experiencing development pressure, a Master Plan is essential as it provides a framework for growth, preservation, and enhancement. By outlining strategies for maintaining high quality of life, the Master Plan ensures that the community continues to thrive and evolve sustainably over time. This will be achieved through implementation plan with specific action items, guidance for rezoning proposals, and a framework for the capital improvement plan.

For more information:

Addressing West Bloomfield’s Challenges with Their Master Plan | Civic Center TV

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