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Public hearing: Proposed Apartments on Northwestern

A local developer has proposed the construction of apartment buildings for Northwestern Highway. The location under discussion is the same as the temporary concrete mixing plant currently on that site. These apartments would be built after the concrete mixing plant is removed. The property is located in Farmington Hills is the plan is being reviewed by that city’s planning commission.

Location of proposed apartment development

The Farmington Hills Planning Commission will consider an application for revised Planned Unit Development (PUD) Plan 3, 2021. The applicant, Robert Asmar, NWH Holdings, LLC, seeks to construct a multi-family apartment building in a B-2, Community Business and B-3, General Business Districts.

The subject property is: 32680 Northwestern Highway; Parcel Identification Number: 22-23-02-126-130, City of Farmington Hills, Oakland County, Michigan.

Any interested person is invited to comment on the request at the scheduled hearing or by written comments submitted to the Planning Office or by email to prior to the hearing. The application may be reviewed at the Planning Office between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m., Monday through Friday.

Farmington Hills Planning Commission – Public Hearing

Thursday, July 21, 2022, at 7:30 pm
at Farmington Hills City Hall, in Council Chambers

* 31555 Eleven Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48336
Map to FH City Hall || Public Hearing Notice

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Please share this information with your neighbors. Attend this public hearing if you can.

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