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Controlled burn plan: Township Board meeting is your best chance to impact the decision

Wildflowers – Jacobs Drain, West Bloomfield

GET UP TO SPEED: If you are not aware of the West Bloomfield Township’s controlled burn plan, you SHOULD be. Review the following posts on our website to get background on the plan. Also see the 8/25/21 West Bloomfield Beacon article entitled “Some residents express concern over controlled burn in West Bloomfield” for another good summary of this issue. There is also a good discussion of the topic on (Search that site for “controlled burn”. )

Community members reached out to the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) for their position on this matter. According to an EGLE representative, “Generally speaking, controlled burns are not regulated by the State, and are the domain of local governments. Our office does regulate impacts to regulated wetlands, along with lakes and streams, however, this authority mostly concerns constructions practices – activities that involve earthwork in wetlands, or a long term maintained use that may convert a wetland to another habitat type. Controlled burns do not meet that criteria.”

Community members also attended (via Zoom) a West Bloomfield Township Environmental Commission meeting and voiced their concerns. An environmental consultant there and one board member were pro-burn. Two other board members felt that the concerns of citizens must be heard. The committee resolved to have the township pull a permit for the burn.


All concerned area residents are encouraged to attend the 6pm, Monday, September 13 West Bloomfield Township Board meeting which will be held virtually via Zoom. One of the topics on the agenda is a discussion about reconsidering the controlled burn. Township Supervisor Steve Kaplan asked for this agenda item. However, support for cancellation of the burn is not a sure thing. The more people attending the Zoom meeting, the better.

To attend the Zoom meeting, go to — or dial in by phone to 312-626-6799 — Meeting ID: 857 8111 7086. – If you wish to comment, it’s best to coordinate what you will say with other attendees from the public. Public comment is limited to 3 minutes per person on this topic.

CAN’T ATTEND THE ZOOM MEETING? Alternatively, you can watch the meeting live on or on Comcast channel 15 or AT&T/U-Verse channel 99. Note that this is to listen in/watch only. You would not be able to comment.

  • Talk to neighbors to make them aware of this plan and the issues
  • If you have contacts with any of the Orchard Lake Road building owners (or tenants or businesses), please alert them about the issues.
  • Please sign the petition the township to stop the burn. At this time, 120+ people have signed this petition. Adding your signature will help the effort to stop the burn. Share the petition link on social media and by email.
  • Contact WB Township officials to share your concerns.
  • Join the West Bloomfield Township email list to subscribe for news, announcements, agendas, and newsletters from the township.
  • Join the Kimberley North email list to get periodic news and information about our community including local content impacting our residents.

Please share this post with your neighbors.
Information is subject to change. Check directly with sources for the latest details. Advise us of any corrections.

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