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‘Controlled burn’ planned for Jacobs Drain

Is it necessary? Will it be beneficial? Will it be safe?

UPDATE 8/9/21 – This is the link for tonight’s agenda. Although the controlled burn is not on the agenda for tonight’s meeting, the public is allowed to speak up on topics like this. Please see the last page of the agenda which contains the rules pertaining to public comment. Your comment is limited to 3 minutes so it is important to be prepared and to be very concise in your remarks in order to get your point across most effectively.

The West Bloomfield Township Board has approved a “controlled burn” for the Jacobs Drain property, which is located to the east of Orchard Lake Road, to the west of Heather Heath Lane, and just north of 14 Mile Road.

The plan for this action was discussed and approved at the April 26th regular meeting of the township board. Information about the plan can be found on pages 118-126 of the 4/26/21 WB Township meeting agenda/notes.

The Kimberley North Board of Directors has expressed their opposition to this plan, citing the following concerns:

  • the proximity to the natural gas transmission station — multiple gas mains and transmission lines run beneath the property
  • the close proximity to our homes and business
  • the risk of mixing fire and natural gas – potential for explosion
  • air quality – potential toxic fumes and ash from chemical residues from pesticides and herbicides used in the past
  • impact on the wildlife inhabiting the Jacobs Drain property
Jacobs Drain (green area) is immediately adjacent to Kimberley North.

Be aware that the township is not asking for our approval of this plan. And we don’t know of any public meetings planned specifically to inform residents and to hear their concerns. As of this date, the township has not responded to our concerns and we assume the township’s plan of action will proceed. The plans for the burn call for it to be scheduled in October.

However, there is a regular township board meeting scheduled for Monday, August 9, 2021, at 6 pm. The meeting will be virtual, but the public can still make brief comments before the regular meeting begins. See the “For Further Information” section below or contact the township or visit their website for meeting details.

ACT NOW. If you have questions, concerns, or objections, contact any township official now! Residents immediately adjacent to the site will be notified at some point, but by then it will be too late to stop the process.

For Further Information:

Information is subject to change. Check directly with sources for the latest.

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