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Controlled burn plan — follow-up info

The video of the West Bloomfield Township Board meeting held on August 9th was posted today on the website. At the beginning of the meeting, two West Bloomfield residents (Michael Steinberg of Old Maple Farms and Alan Abrahams from Kimberley North) separately addressed the board with their concerns about the controlled burn during the public comments part of the meeting.

Wildflowers – Jacobs Drain property

Both residents voice concerns about safety, health, wildlife, and environmental issues. Also mentioned were concerns that the public is largely unaware of the proposed burn and the issues and that not much has been communicated publicly by the township.

Steve Kaplan, Township Supervisor, and Amy Neary, Director of Planning & Development Services, responded briefly to the comments. They stated that they have received numerous phone calls and and emails from residents and that they are sensitive to their concerns. Cardno, the company contracted to conduct the burn, is working on a more detailed plan. At this time it looks like the burn will be done some time between mid-October to early December, partly dependent on weather conditions. The township will hold some type of meeting or town hall to inform the public and to respond to their concerns once more of the details are confirmed.

Other developments:

  • An online petition is available for residents to sign if they object to the controlled burn. There are 78 signatures so far as of the time of publication of this post.


See also:
Other posts on this topic on this website. — Get background info and resources. Check back periodically for updates and follow-up information.

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