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Roundabout opening delayed

Press Release from Road Commission for Oakland (RCOC)
Posted on: November 27, 2019

Weather delays the opening of the Maple Road/Middlebelt Road roundabout in West Bloomfield Township

Nov 26 photo of the Maple/Middlebelt roundabout construction with paving operations

The Road Commission for Oakland (RCOC) has delayed the opening of the Maple Road/Middlebelt Road roundabout construction in West Bloomfield Township until approximately mid-December due weather-related issues.

The intersection fully closed to traffic on Sept. 14 and was expected to reopen in late November. The contractor for the project, Angelo Iafarate, has dedicated additional resources to the project in order to complete it this year.

“We appreciate the public’s patience while we work to improve the intersection,” RCOC Managing Director Dennis Kolar said. “Unfortunately, this morning’s weather and the Veteran’s Day snowstorm have not been favorable for paving operations; however, the contractor plans to resume that work during the Thanksgiving holiday weekend.”

RCOC has installed a work-zone camera so the public can watch the construction of the Maple/Middlebelt roundabout. The camera takes a photo every 15 minutes between 7 a.m. and 7 p.m.

To access the camera, visit: (Link no longer available)

For more information on the Maple/Middlebelt roundabout construction, visit:

  • (Link no longer available)
  • Photo gallery:
  • Oakland Press article about the delay - (Link no longer available)
  • Work Zone Camera - time lapse video showing project progress from beginning to current time

And: How to use a roundabout

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