Road Commission project updates
Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC)
from a press release 7/23/14
14 Mile Road at the east side of Northwestern Highway
[su_highlight background=”#fffe99″]Note: This is a revised start date to the last press release from RCOC and published on our website.[/su_highlight]
14 Mile Road will be closed at the east side of the intersection with Northwestern Highway starting August 4, 2014. This RCOC project includes reconstruction and realignment of the east leg of the intersection and is the first phase of the larger 14 Mile/Orchard Lake/Northwestern Highway “triangle” project. The detour route for through traffic will be Middlebelt Road to Northwestern Highway and back to 14 Mile and vice versa.
Middlebelt Road, between Northwestern Highway and 14 Mile Road
This project entails installation of a right turn lane on northbound Middlebelt Road near Hillel Day School. Middlebelt will remain open to two-way traffic but construction will require lane closures as well as flagging operations as necessary.
More info: For updates on RCOC projects, go to, and then check press releases and/or the real time traffic map.