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Orchard Lake Road – Maple Road intersection to be improved

PRESS RELEASE from Road Commission of Oakland County – June 6, 2014

Orchard Lake Road/Maple intersection improvements approved by RCOC

Orchard Lake - Maple intersection

Orchard Lake – Maple intersection due to get major improvements

Beverly Hills, Mich. —

The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) Board today approved an agreement with the Charter Township of West Bloomfield that paves the way for the widening and resurfacing of the Maple Road/Orchard Lake Road intersection.

The agreement calls for the construction of dual left-turn lanes at the intersection for northbound to westbound traffic and for westbound to southbound traffic as well as the addition of a right-turn lane for traffic traveling southbound on Orchard Lake and turning westbound on Maple. Additionally, the entire intersection will be resurfaced with asphalt.

The agreement marks the culmination of several years of discussions between the Township and the Road Commission concerning the future of the intersection. The work is expected to occur in either 2015 or 2016.

“We are very pleased that we could reach an agreement with our partners at West Bloomfield Township. Our staff worked very hard to meet the needs of our customers, the motorists using the roads, as well as support the Township’s vision for the future of the Orchard Lake Road corridor which is integral to this area’s development,” stated RCOC Chairman Greg Jamian.

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