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14 Mile Road realignment project begins

On Tuesday, July 29th. City and state officials had a ground breaking ceremony in the “triangle” – the area bordered by Northwestern Highway, 14 Mile Road, and Orchard Lake Road. Since then orange barrels have been dropped off, the pavement has been marked up, and signs have been posted.

It is expected to ease traffic congestion in the area and make it safer. Your patience and cooperation will be appreciated by all during the construction.

The “triangle project” – including the roundabout at 14 Mile Road and Northwestern – is expected to take two years.

  • 14 Mile Road realignment to be completed November 2014
  • The roundabout construction will begin in the spring of 2015
  • The next phase of the triangle project will be the reconstruction of Orchard Lake Road as a four-lane boulevard between Northwestern Highway and Maple Road. This is expected to happen in 2016.

Our subdivision, Kimberley North, will be impacted most immediately by the realignment of 14 Mile Road east of Northwestern Highway. The realignment will be completed this November.

During construction, drivers needing to head west on 14 Mile Road will be detoured to take Middlebelt south to Northwestern and then back to 14 Mile Road.

See also:

  • Oakland Press article
  • Hometown Life article
  • Detroit News article
  • Long-awaited $20 million-plus improvements begin at 14 Mile/Orchard Lake/Northwestern on Farmington Hills border  via @Hometownlife
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