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Orchard Lake Road Improvement Project

Meeting Open to the Public on April 23

Proposed roundabouts on Orchard Lake Road

Proposed roundabouts on Orchard Lake Road

  • SOURCE: Press release from Farmington Hills
  • FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: March 31, 2014
  • FOR MORE INFORMATION, CONTACT: F.H. Engineering Division, 248-871-2560

The City of Farmington Hills, in partnership with the Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC), invites the public to attend an informational meeting to learn more about the improvement and reconstruction of Orchard Lake Road on Wednesday, April 23 from 4 to 7 p.m. at Farmington Hills City Hall, located at 31555 W. Eleven Mile Road.

The reconstructed section of Orchard Lake Road would feature two through lanes in each direction, a narrow median, and three roundabouts between 13 and 14 Mile Roads. The main goal of the project is to improve traffic flow and increase safety on this critical main gateway into the City of Farmington Hills.

The meeting will be informal and the proposed concept is open to review and comment. Project displays will be available with City and RCOC staff on hand to answer questions.

For more information, contact the City of Farmington Hills Engineering Division at 248-871-2560.

Project Details

The City of Farmington Hills expects to reconstruct and improve this section of Orchard Lake Road, which is a critical gateway to the

The road is currently five-lanes and a primary goal is to improve traffic safety on this key City corridor.

The reconstruction concept to be presented includes two through lanes in each direction, a narrow median and three roundabouts to accommodate turns. Roundabouts are proposed at 13 Mile Road, Firwood Avenue and the driveways into Hunter’s Square and Best Buy.

For more information:

  • Contact James Cubera ( or Mark Saksewski ( at the City of Farmington Hills, Engineering Department by phone at (248) 871-2560 or by mail at:
  • City of Farmington Hills, Engineering Department, 31555 West Eleven Mile Road, Farmington Hills, MI 48336
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