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Road Commission public meeting March 27

The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) will hold a public information meeting regarding the Orchard Lake/14 Mile Road intersection project.

About 40 Kimberley North residents at the 2013 KNIA annual meeting heard a presentation from Road Commission representatives. Other information about the project has been sparse so we encourage our residents to attend the March 27th meeting. There is no formal presentation so you can drop in any time between 4 pm and 7 pm.

The following information is from the public meeting notice that RCOC mailed out to area residents.

The Road Commission for Oakland County (RCOC) will conduct a public information meeting Wednesday, March 27, 2013 about the planned 2014 reconstruction of the intersection of 14 Mile and Orchard Lake roads as amodern roundabout and the realignment of the Northwestern Highway/Orchard Lake Road and Northwestern Highway 14 Mile Road intersections. The purpose of the meeting is to share information about the project and to provide an opportunity for the Road Commission to receive input from the public.road-project-area-350x300

Meeting Details:

  • Location: Warner Upper Elementary School, 30303 W. 14 Mile,Farmington Hills, MI 48334
  • Date/Time: Wed., March 27, 4 to 7 p.m.
  • Format: Open house. There will not be a formal presentation. Anyone interested can stop in at any time during the meeting to review information and/or talk with an RCOC representative

Project Details:

  • This project will involve reconstructing the 14 Mile/Orchard Lake Road intersection as a multi-lane modern roundabout. It will also involve reconstructing Orchard Lake Road from 14 Mile Road to just north of the Gateway shopping center, including the Northwestern Highway/Orchard Lake Road intersection. Additionally, the project will involve reconstructing and realigning the 14 Mile Road/Northwestern Highway intersection and realigning 14 Mile between Orchard Lake and Northwestern Highway.
  • The project is intended to improve traffic flow and safety in and around the 14 Mile/Orchard Lake intersection, and is part of the Northwestern Connector project (for more information, see
  • Preliminary project design plans and scheduling information will be available for review at the meeting.

Project Schedule:

  • This project is expected to start in the spring of 2014 and be completed in the fall of 2014.

For more information:

  • Call RCOC’s Department of Customer Services at 877-858-4804 or send an e-mail via the RCOC Web site,
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