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Introducing John P. Carroll Company


c/o John P. Carroll Co., Inc.
9250 W. Nine Mile Road
Farmington Hills, MI 48336

January 16, 2012

Kimberley North Home Owners and Residents:

At the 2011 annual meeting, the Kimberley North Improvement Association (KNIA) Board of Directors announced its intention to explore the possibility of hiring a management company to handle the day-to-day operations of the subdivision. The residents attending the meeting were unanimous in agreeing with this process, and going forward if the results were favorable.

During the year, we contacted several such companies and selected three to interview. While each of these would have been able to provide the services we require, the Board felt that the John Carroll Company was best suited to our specific needs.

We have contracted with the John Carroll Company, and our association with them is effective immediately. They will be responsible for all KNIA business, including dues collection and payments to various contractors performing services for KNIA. Please see their enclosed introductory letter for details.

Please join us at the Kimberley North Annual Meeting at 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, February 15th in the social hall of St. Colman Church, 32500 Middlebelt, to meet your board members and the John Carroll representatives.

Ron Toth, President, KNIA Board of Directors

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